History |
According to belief this temple is more than 1500 years old. Thirumazhisai Alwar, when he was a Saivite and known as Siva Vaakkiyar has mentioned about this temple. One of the early Ahobila Mutt Seers is from this Village. Sri Ganapathi Stapathi, one of the renowned sculptors, who has been involved in many ancient temple renovations, has come and inspected the Deities and is of the opinion that th is should belong to the early Chola Period. There was also a Siva Temple adjoining this temple which has been left to ruins over the passage of time. There is also an inscription relating this to the Chola Kings which is available in the Chennai Museum.
Ilangadu Village has had great scholars living there. They had lot of disciples in various castes. These people were the descendants of Sri Seshadrachariar who was the Raja Guru of the Jingee Kings. He has played an important role in bringing back Sri Ranganathar Ursava idol back replica rolex deepsea to Sri Rangam, and this has been mentioned by none other than Sri Vedantha Desika and this information is even found today near the Sri Rangathar Padhukas at the Sri Rangam Temple.